Jessica was in a coma for seven days secondary to encephalitis when she encountered a tunnel with a bright soft white light. At the end of the tunnel she was greeted by her brother who has transitioned five years before Jessica was born. Chas reads from the NDERF website. Patricia felt herself go into a …

Jessica was in a coma for seven days secondary to encephalitis when she encountered a tunnel with a bright soft white light. At the end of the tunnel she was greeted by her brother who has transitioned five years before Jessica was born. Chas reads from the NDERF website.

Patricia felt herself go into a total blackout when she underwent anesthesia. She felt a wave taking her to a different boundary or stage. Chas reads from the NDERF website.

Shari was on the floor in an all-consuming pain. She found herself walking along a river bank with three beings of light and shadow. Chas reads from the NDERF website.

Read the NDE of Jessica on the NDERF website.

Read the NDE of Patricia on the NDERF website.

Read the NDE of Shari on the NDERF website.

Items mentioned by Chas in this episode.

Chas’ Mega Mom Comic Strip Link.