From Nellie’s Experience: “I was at the light and then I was stopped at a barrier. I looked at the light and I experienced an overwhelming flood of peace, joy, and unconditional love. I knew that God was behind that light, and there with Him was everything we could imagine – beautiful, good, just, merciful, …

From Nellie’s Experience: “I was at the light and then I was stopped at a barrier. I looked at the light and I experienced an overwhelming flood of peace, joy, and unconditional love. I knew that God was behind that light, and there with Him was everything we could imagine – beautiful, good, just, merciful, and righteous, in a far greater measure than the human mind can conceive.”

From Dot’s Experience: “A higher power is showing us a mission to do. We are looking in the table. It’s Earth in there. The higher power shows us two ways to accomplish our mission: one of which he prefers us to do, the other one he isn’t crazy about, but it seems that the main thing he is interested in is whether we will we do it the way he asks, yes or no. We have free choice.”