“At this moment, I heard a voice behind me and turned. There, standing… were two friends of mine who had been killed in a car wreck in 1983. They had been together when they were killed (as was fitting since they were always inseparable) and the three of us were closer than brother and sister. …

At this moment, I heard a voice behind me and turned. There, standing… were two friends of mine who had been killed in a car wreck in 1983. They had been together when they were killed (as was fitting since they were always inseparable) and the three of us were closer than brother and sister. I went to both funerals and swore to myself that I would really like to have those two gals come to collect me (if that was how it was done) when I died. Well, here they were.”


Music from this episode:
Simple Gifts
The Dark
The One