Tonight's show contains SPOILERS up through the last episode, + possible content from any current AMC official promo materials! 

Typically we start our show a half hour before the new episode airs live each week, with recap from the previous episode, and discussion of what is to come tonight. At 9:00 pm, we'll go dark or mute, and watch the new episode together, then give episode ratings from 1-10 and commentary during the commercial breaks. We will also give our listeners trivia on the show as well as the cast and crew, including bios, birthdays, and more.

Our show is SPOILER and COMIC FREE. Please don't discuss either any spoilers or stuff from the comics in the chatroom or on the air - we prefer our discussions, reactions, and comments, to be just about what we know from the show that's presented.

Welcome to S10E4! After tonight, there will be 4 more episodes until the mid-season finale. Season 10 will be doing the traditional 50/50 split season, with 8 episodes running until Nov 24th, then a winter holiday break until most likely February 2020 where we will resume eps. 9-16. We will keep our listeners informed when we get confirmation of those dates.

If you're unable to join us in real time this evening, you can still go to each episode link later and download the broadcast as an MP3 podcast for later listening. Click on the cloud-shaped white icon at the top right of the page. You can also download this and prior episodes on iTunes.

Tonight's episode is entitled, "Silence the Whisperers."

Official AMC Synopsis: "Still paranoid Alexandrians get riled up over the Whisperers and take their fear out on Negan. Back at Hilltop, the group deals with an unexpected safety issue."