Previous Episode: Fandom Access: Week in Review

Tonight’s show is called, “Addiction is NOT a Disease.” 

This is a debate that has been hashed and rehashed for many decades, especially since the advent of the 12-Step model which advocates confessing no power or control over one’s own choices and abdicating responsibility for it over to religion or a higher power.

Last episode #66, Pt. 1 of this topic, we had more to say than we had time for on our show, so this is a continuation, picking up where we last left off.

Tonight, we will discuss:

• If Addiction is not a Disease, then what exactly is it, and why? 

• Recovery resources that support the Addiction Disorder model

We'll start off the evening with some topic-relevant Classic Rock played by Dr. Mathis, followed by Classic Rock trivia, in "The Rock & Roll Shrink Recalls," followed by our topic discussion.

Please follow our bi-weekly, Wednesday evening shows, at 11 pm EST/EDT. We will have a new topic for you in two weeks!