Ep. 129: Who Are You - How We Form Self-Identity

Tonight’s topic deals with our self-Identity, how it is formed, and why this matters.

People often do not equally embrace all the labels that could apply to themselves, either.

Tonight, we will talk about the process of how we form a sense of our self-identity, and how these choices and labels affect many aspects of our lives.


Tonight, we will discuss:
What Is Self-Identity? Why Do We Care?How Do We Get Our Sense of Self-Identity? Why Do We Choose the Aspects We Do?Diagnoses and Problems with Self-IdentityConclusions, Closing Remarks, & Final Suggestions
We'll start off the evening with some topic-relevant Classic Rock played by Dr. Mathis, followed by Classic Rock trivia in "The Rock & Roll Shrink Recalls," followed by our topic discussion.

Please follow our bi-weekly, Wednesday evening shows, at 11 pm ET. We will have a new topic for you in two weeks!