Worship Service, March 29, 2020The Crucial DecisionNew Covenant Presbyterian Church Worship Service, March 29, 2020

We invite you to join us in prayer, singing, and hearing of the Word this morning. Ruling Elder Bob Essmann, leads our worship, prayer, and our Children’s Message; our Pastoral Intern, Jeffrey Brauch, is preaching from Matthew 27 this morning; and the worship team leads us in song.

While this is no replacement for being together, we do hope everyone is safe and/or recovering well.

Please considering following along by following the links below the video for the service bulletin as well as children’s bulletins for two different age groups.

If you are willing to receive text alerts and notifications from New Covenant Presbyterian Church, please text the word “Please” to 84576.

Finally, we please consider giving through the online giving section of the website as we don't have an offertory during the streaming service.

All music is cited and allowable under our current CCLI Agreement: CCLI Copyright license number of 387777 and Stream License of 20142774.