Jim Hopkinson is a writer, teacher, speaker, runner, techie, sports fan fueled by NYC's energy. He helps people rethink their job search. Author of Salary Tutor and has worked with companies like Wired and ESPN.

Talking about job interviews, salary negotiation and conference networking

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Introduce yourself by saying what you do, rather than your job title.

Make it easy for other people to pass on what you do.

Top three salary questions:

How do you get around online forms that ask for your desired salary and negotiate during your interview.
How do I get the job offer?
How do I find how much I’m worth?

Up to 80% of jobs are through networking.

49 out of 50 people Jim polled got their jobs from networking.

4 Stunning Statistics People Ignore When Job Searching and Negotiating.

Internal network: people you know.

External network: people you haven’t met yet.

My interview with SXSW’s Hugh Forrest, “Surrender to Serendipity”.

Ideas around holding events to help you grow your network.

Balancing phones on the table at networking dinners.

Jim's courses on MediaBistro where he teaches Twitter marketing and advanced blogging.

Jim's article from Success.com on business cards.

Zig while everyone else is zagging.

Monty Python’s Argument Sketch

App Recommendation: Calm.

Book Recommendations: Creativity For Sale by Jason Saddler (listen to my interview with Jason) and Influence by Robert B. Cialdini.

Contact Jim and download your free course from salarytutor.com/dave on Twitter @hopkinsonreport.

Submit your questions and comments by using #nbnradio. You can also record an audio comment at speakpipe.nbnradio.com.

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Affiliate links used, read the disclosure. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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