Jason Elkins is a coach, speaker and social marketing strategist with Transparent Social Media. He’s also the creator of 100 Cups of Coffee in 100 Days.

Talking about networking, coffee dates and being the connector

NBN 40 Show Notes

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Check out Contactually, the best CRM solution to handle your follow ups and to help make you a networking super star.

Thanks to Bernie Goldbach for his excellent networking tip. Record your own here.

Jason Elkins helps connect businesses with their audience.

Don’t share a business card, share a life.

Talk to the sponsors when you attend events.

Jason tries to learn the back story of the speakers at conferences before he attends.

How Jason measures the success of his presentations.

Join other listeners of NBN Radio to network and learn from one another in the NBN Club. Your membership supports this show.

Jason was in a lead sales position. He was called for a meeting expecting a promotion and was suddenly let go.

He decided to launch 100 Cups of Coffee in 100 Days to increase his network and find new clients.

Be consistent and have a genuine interest in people.

The opportunities are out there if we’re diligent and go after them.

He did thirty-eight coffees, which led to enough business to keep him busy.

Jason began blogging or posting on social media about each person he met as his “coffee of the day”.

Review your coffee meetings using your calendar. Here’s how.

He spends time after his meetings to provide introductions.

Choose Yourself! by James Altucher.

As you learn someone’s story you can build stronger networks.

Jason is working on a book about his 100 Cups of Coffee in 100 Days concept.

On traditional publishing vs. self-publishing.

Giving birth to a book.

Overcome the fear of networking.

You are who you network with.

Be sure to network where potential clients are.

App Recommendation: Over.
Book Recommendation: The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino and The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien.
Contact: @jason_elkins on Twitter or at Transparent Social Media.

Jason is working on a conference in Nashville. Keep your eyes open for that one.

Featured Podcast: Read to Lead Podcast with Jeff Brown.

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Affiliate links used, read the disclosure. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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