John Lee Dumas is founder and host of Entrepreneur On Fire, a top-ranked business podcast that interviews today’s most inspiring and successful entrepreneurs 7-days a week. John Lee also runs the popular online mastermind groups, Fire Nation Elite and Podcaster's Paradise. His book, Podcast Launch: A complete guide to launching your Podcast is available from Amazon.

Talking about podcasting, networking and entrepreneurship.

NBN 31 Show Notes

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Listen to episode 31 in iTunes or Stitcher.

Sponsored by Refresh, who just released a new product specifically designed for professionals. It searches the web and social networks to add new professional and personal insights about your contacts to Salesforce. The most comprehensive online profile available will automatically be right in your Salesforce. NBN Radio listeners get a free trial from

Interview with Refresh co-founder and CEO, Bhavin Shah.

Thanks to Billy Burle for his amazing networking tip. Record your audio comment or networking tip here.

Please pick up a copy of my book, New Business Networking: How to Effectively Grow Your Business Network Using Online and Offline Methods.

Entrepreneur on Fire (EOF) has over 800,000 unique listens each month and over 9 million downloads to date.

John Lee Dumas signed up for military at 17, entered the Armed Forces at 22, and became a captain. He served thirteen months in Iraq.

He went to law school and worked in corporate finance, but hated it and quit. He also worked in commercial and residential real estate, but quit those too.

At 32, he had the idea for a podcast and launched EOF in 2012. The show won best of iTunes in 2013.

It took a lot of failures, quitting, and mistakes, and a lot of investing in himself.

My interview on EOF for your listening pleasure.

John Lee explains how he is able to produce a new episode every day.

He is a firm believer in getting more stuff down before 9 am than most people. He learned this in the Army, who's motto is, "We get more done before 9 am then most people do all day."

There is opportunity in voids not being filled, especially when people think it can’t be done.

He records eight, back-to-back, interviews one day a week.

Networking has been everything! Entrepreneur on Fire has turned into a networking machine.

He does eight other interviews each week for other podcasts (like this one).

John Lee belongs to a small mastermind he meets with each week. They also do a quarterly retreat.

It’s important to have a mentor who is already in the place you aspire to be.

As a podcaster you can grow authority in your niche. You can garner credibility from an audience who knows, likes, and trusts you. He refers to his audiences as Fire Nation.

John Lee created a private mastermind called Fire Nation Elite, which is a five-figure revenue generator per month.

He has also created a private group called Podcaster’s Paradise with 1,300 members who aspire to create, grow and monetize their podcasts.

All you need is 1,000 people. Read Seth Godin for more on this.

Check out the NBN Club to connect with fellow listeners of this show. We have our own mastermind group.

Focus on utilizing your time in the best way possible.

Stick to your calendar that is chock full.

How he produces the Quotes on Fire podcast.

Ask Pat by Pat Flynn.

John Lee shares his income reports openly on his site.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." - Albert Einstein.

It takes time to build an audience and justify starting to charge for things. You have to bring value first.

He recommends books, The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness by Jeff Olson and John David Mann and The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.

It’s really important to do the small things right.

Look at your journey as a marathon.

How he got interested in podcasting.

John Lee was inspired by podcasts like APN Market Place, Dave RamseyDavid Siteman Garland, Andrew Warner, Pat Flynn.

Strike while the iron is hot!

App Recommendation: Sunrise.
Book Recommendation: The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.
Contact John Lee at or

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