Jared Easley is the co-owner of VAGamePlan.com, he’s a co-founder of the upcoming Podcast Movement Conference, and his popular podcast is called Starve The Doubts.

Talking about podcasting, conferences, and networking.

NBN18 Show Notes

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Thanks to Andy Smith for his audio comment. Leave your own networking tip, comment or question. Record one now.

Please pick up a copy of my book, New Business Networking: How to Effectively Grow Your Business Network Using Online and Offline Methods.

Jared Easley got into podcasting, because he doesn’t like to write.

Chris Murphy told him Jared about Internet Business Mastery, who inspired him to start his own show.

Check out Cliff Ravenscraft and Pat Flynn.

Promoting Your Podcast by Jason Van Orden

Jared thought you needed expensive equipment to podcast…. you don’t.

Jared uses: Audio-Technica USB Condenser USB Microphone with Skype and Call Recorder (Mac). He also recommends Pamela for PC users.

I use a Blue NESSIE Microphone

Jared and I speak about dealing with self-doubt.

Differentiate the good doubt and the bad doubt.

Prudence is good fear.

Get good advice from people you like and trust, and who want you to succeed.

Consider starting a mastermind group.

NBN7 David Hooper interview about mastermind groups.

Fear hates community.

Tips for introverts and people who are shy for networking at conferences and events.

Event networking tips.

NBN9 Chris Brogan interview.

How to research people before events.

Don’t miss Podcast Movement Conference.

Use Kickstarter to validate your idea.

How Jared balances his time.

Jared spends a couple of days a week working on his podcast, Starve the Doubts.

Network like a champ!

Jared uses Asana and Google Calendar to keep track of his relationships and projects.

He uses ScheduleOnce for his podcast interviews.

Should Jared and I do a coffee talk Google+ Hangout? Leave a comment below if you would like us to do it or click this tweet link.

Be the noticer. Notice other people first.

Choose five people and promote and comment on what they are doing.

App Recommendation: Refresh (hear my interview with the co-founder, Bhavin Shah)

Book Recommendation: The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators by Chris Brogan.

Jared interviewed my on Episode 10 of Starve the Doubts. Check it out.

Contact Jared on Twitter @jaredeasley or visit StarvetheDoubts.com.

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Affiliate links used. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

Thanks for listening. You rock!

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