Derek Coburn is the founder of Cadre, an un-networking community in Washington, DC and now in Baltimore. Derek is the author of Networking Is Not Working: Stop Collecting Business Cards and Start Making Meaningful Connections.

Talking about organizing networking events, managing relationships, and connection.

NBN16 Show Notes

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Thanks to John Ellis for his audio comment. Leave your own networking tip, comment or question. Record one now.

Grab my free 75 tips for networking at conferences and events.

Download a copy of my book, New Business Networking: How to Effectively Grow Your Business Network Using Online and Offline Methods.

Derek Coburn created unnetworking events. He borrowed the term from Scott Stratten’s book, UnMarketing.

We need to unlearn what we have already learned in order to be more effective in the way we approach it (networking).

In order for a networking event to be successful for anyone, it is directly correlated by how many people are there for the same reasons as you.

Derek never intended to make his Cadre events large. He vets his members to be sure they are CEOs and business owners. They bring guests to the events who pay $250. His events begin at 3:30 pm instead of after work.

Derek explains how to trigger on-going reciprocity.

He loves connecting people and providing value to his network.

You need to find ways to make it easy for people who want to help you.

His clients want to help him, but the introductions often don’t take place. He created a couple of email templates for his clients to use to refer him.

When you make it simple for people, they will act.

Derek shares how he manages many relationships.

Manage your email with and

Seth Godin’s Impresario Workshop. Check out Paul Jun’s post about it.

When you attend an event, what is your time worth?

Networking 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.

How Derek uses LinkedIn to find local professionals.

Check out to balance relationships.

App Recommendation: Nozbe for productivity.
Book Recommendation: The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling by Stephen Cope.

Contact and on Twitter @cadredc.

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Affiliate links used. Theme music, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba.

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