Jennifer Fraser, PhD, is the Founder of the Bullied Brain. She is a bestselling author and an award-winning educator with a PhD in Comparative Literature. Her online courses and workshops provide dynamic lessons in the impact neuroscience has on personal development and culture change. In her new book, “The Bullied Brain”, Jennifer dives into how bullying affects the brain and how victims of bullies can heal from the trauma they’ve experienced. Bullying goes deeper than hurting someone’s feelings, the brain adapts to these changes in harmful ways. Dr. Jennifer explains how in this week’s episode. 


Key Takeaways

Did you know bullying has a negative effect on your brain?  What does bullying do to the brain?  What does fight or flight really look like in the brain?  Can you heal the brain? The rise in teen suicide rates are no joking matter.  A suicidal brain is a medical problem. This is not normal.  Children should get a yearly assessment on how well their brain is working.  One of the best things a child can do is practice mindfulness. Dr. Jennifer explains why.  It’s never too late to help boost your child’s brain health! Active parent involvement plays a big part in your child’s development and resiliency. 


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Teaching Bullies: Zero Tolerance in the Court or in the Classroom Paperback by Jennifer M Fraser




“It’s not just hurting their feelings, it can actually be doing anatomical harm to the brain; something you can see on a brain scan.” 


“The child’s brain is dependent on adults for healthy development.” 


“From 2000 to 2018, youth suicide has increased 57%.”