Today we're discussing some questions and reflections you can ask to prepare for 2021 with God as our compass. Below are the questions.


Where has God challenged you to grow personally and professionally?

How is work affecting your soul? (Is it you? Is it something leadership can help?)

What’s something you’re doing well?

Where is God moving, where do you already see fruit, and how can you foster that?

What’s something you’re bombing at?

If you’re bombing at it, is it part of your job or is it something taking away from what you’re supposed to be doing?

Does my heart and attitude about work and ministry reflect God’s heart and attitude?

What’s your action plan?


Where do you see God moving?

What convictions has the Spirit been placing?

Has God sparked anything in you today?

Are there any new opportunities?

Is there something hindering you?

Watermaker Leadership Podcast:

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