Welcome to Navigating Life After College By Sasha Frank. In our weekly series Introducing Sasha Frank, let me pose a question, have you recognized some of the patterns in decisions you’ve made, people you’ve met or dated; maybe you’ve recognized them to be negative outcomes. In order for us to move forward, have you considered the importance of being freed from your not so positive patterns?

Tune Into:

Weekly Series : Introducing Sasha Frank (Every Friday Morning)

Monthly Guest Series : Working Women Chronicles 101 (launching Spring 2020)

A new episode airs every Friday morning.

I Suggest Starting From the Beginning, Here:

Episode #00: Let Me Introduce Myself - https://anchor.fm/navigatinglac/episodes/Episode-00-Introducing-Sasha-Frank--Introducing-Sasha-Frank-Series--Navigating-Life-After-College-ea1ka3/a-a19ch35 

Episode #01: Navigating Adulthood - https://anchor.fm/navigatinglac/episodes/Episode-01--Navigating-Adulthood--Introducing-Sasha-Frank-Series-ea1kjl/a-a19cj2b 

Episode #2: Chasing The Wind - https://anchor.fm/navigatinglac/episodes/Episode-02--Chasing-the-Wind--Introducing-Sasha-Frank-Series-ea1l4u/a-a19cmvd 

Host Memoir ‘Introducing Sasha Frank’ Available on | www.sashafrank.com

Theme Song by Sasha Frank "Classy Lady" (c) 2018 (written and performed by: Sasha Frank)

If you want to learn more be sure to follow the host's journey on Instagram @sashafrank (instagram.com/sashafrank ), and subscribe to her mailing list and download a Free 14-day Challenge Worksheet: Click Here! (https://mailchi.mp/0b1d4bd0b802/followmyjourney14day)