The Navigating Culture mission in its essence is about motivating and inspiring you to discover what lights you up and make it a part of your everyday life. No matter what Auntie or anyone else for that matter says. Most of the time, these explorations lead people outside of the confines of their traditional 9-to-5. 

But what happens to those of us who do explore and soul search but ultimately decide that the corporate world is where we want to be? Kim Tran is the founder of Your Work Inspires -- a safe and supportive space for women and women of color to share and overcome their limiting beliefs, in order to celebrate their strengths and create new abundance mindsets and behaviors instead.

In today’s episode, Kim and I have a conversation about how to thrive, work sustainably, and get paid what you deserve inside the four walls of an office space. Tune in to this conversation as Kim provides the tools and knowledge necessary to help you stand up for yourself in a traditional corporate 9-to-5 while showcasing your value within the confines of corporate structure.

The Three Things This Episode Will Teach You:

How to stand up for yourself in the traditional corporate 9-to-5Showcasing your value when you don’t always feel valued in a corporate settingHow to successfully pivot even after you’ve invested large amounts of time and effort in something.


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Connect with Kim:

Kim’s Instagram: @yourworkinspires

Kim’s Website: 

Kim’s Twitter: @kimtrandc

Kim’s LinkedIn 

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