Introducing our new Director of Trails and Conservation Larissa Hepburn! Larissa is a southern California native who developed a passion for recreational trails and nature after spending a summer working in the wilderness of Yosemite National Park on a backcountry trail crew. She spent the next 14 years leading and mentoring youth corps in various National and State parks in California managing a variety of projects. Larissa is grateful her path has led her to the Foundation to combine her passions with managing trails that lead to the sea. She is excited to serve the community through education and outreach performing trail restoration and conservation projects. As famous world-renowned oceanographer Jacques Cousteau once said, “People protect what they love.” Larissa hopes to provide quality outdoor recreational access while protecting our natural resources. She is excited to watch the community fall in love with the lagoon and create meaningful connections to nature.

Contact The Show

Podcast Website: Nature All Around Me

The Foundation website: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation or call 760-804-1969





Producers:  Samantha Richter, Lisa Rodman, Emily Bonds, Kellie Davis, Chris Swann, John Sanders, Samual Davis

Music: Frogs by the Water Hole by Chris Swann/Swann Concepts Pub

Studio: Imagine Podcasting, Carlsbad California