Date: 02/11/2021

Show Description:

Shawn received a PhD and MA in Cognitive/Experimental Psychology from Ohio State University, with specializations in cognitive engineering, quantitative psychology, and psycholinguistics. He previously received a BA in Psychology/Music from Binghamton University (SUNY). He is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, the American Psychological Association, the National Defense Industrial Association, and the Cognitive Science Society.

Where to find Shawn:

Aptima Human Centered Engineering

Learn more about NDM:

Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Where to find hosts Brian Moon and Laura Militello:

Brian’s website

Brian’s LinkedIn

Brian’s Twitter

Laura’s website

Laura’s LinkedIn

Laura’s Twitter


Describing Aptima and how it connects to the NDM community [1:28]

How human centeredness is expressed in Aptima’s core domains [6:17]

Shawn’s experience transitioning from research to a more executive role [11:00]

Staying true to core principles when working with a multidisciplinary team [19:04]

Pushback when making the case for NDM methods [26:17]

Biggest influences on Shawn’s career [31:30]

Future research priorities for Aptima [38:11]

How to decide whether to file a patent and what that process is like [42:18]

One question to determine if someone is a human centered practitioner [46:52]

Some things that not many people know about Shawn [49:58]

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