Date: 8/07/2020

Show Description:

Today we welcome Lee Beach. Lee is the McClelland Centennial Emeritus Professor of Management at the Eller College of Business, at the University of Arizona. He was a Professor of Public Administration and of Psychology, teaching graduate and executive courses on managerial decision making and organizational change. He served on the editorial boards of several well-known journals including: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Making, The Journal of Behavior Decision Making, and The Journal of Forecasting. He attended the first conference on Naturalistic Decision Making in 1989 and is known for his work on the theory of the mind, the theory of narrative thought, and image theory. He has authored many influential books and articles, and he is also a professional artist.

Where to find Lee:

The psychology of narrative thought: How the stories we tell ourselves shape our lives

A new theory of mind: The theory of narrative thought

The structure of conscious experience

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