The scope, scale, and impact of future non-traditional threats require NATO allies to think outside the framework of traditional security concepts and prepare the Alliance for missions that do not neatly fit an Article 5 scenario. To this end, the Alliance should approve a fourth core task focused on resilience, preparing the Alliance to protect the populations of member states against novel threats while reinforcing collective defense.


Key Takeaways:

0:00 Intro

1:56 Anca shares her thoughts on why NATO allies should build resilience for an era of shocks and why it’s not redundant 

2:54 Jim also shares his thoughts on NATO’s allies building resilience in case of shocks and why it is important

6:01 Jim explains bureaucracy and three things that NATO is doing to minimize it in providing PPE to other states as opposed to the EU

9:39 Anca talks about why NATO was able to be more efficient in the case of providing PPE than EU

11:27 Jim also explain the roles that the EU was built to do and how different they are from the roles that NATO was built to do

13:24 Jim talks about how NATO deals with roles that it does not typically deal with like the climate change, refugees flow and food scarcity and their impact on allied security

16:55 Anca and Jim talks about how NATO and EU are cooperating and doing tasks that you can say are neither NATO’s nor EU’s for the greater good

19:27 Anca talks about why they want to formalize resilience as another requirement for NATO as a fourth core task and including it as part of the NATO Defense Planning Process

21:11 Jim also supports Anca’s point on formalizing resilience as another core task for NATO and why it is important especially in this time and age

24:25 Jim and Anca discuss if there should be new ministerial guidance given to NATO headquarters in regards to resilience as a core task

26:49 Jim talks about how NATO help create capability goals from documents that every country needs to meet to help them get better at their own resilience through International Staff

30:02 Anca and Jim talk about the good idea of making resilience a core task in NATO that would in the long run, help countries in difficult situations and if it’s going to stretch people 


Shows Mentioned: 


Quotes Mentioned:

“We need to be much more ambitious when it comes to resilience.”

“EU sees NATO as someone who can respond to such crises.”

“EU wasn't built to have structures or a mission role to be proactive, and to get out there and to do something.”

“The EU was developed as a regulator, but not an action organization.”

“It's a new day and age with these new threats that call for resilience.”

“Even if it's obvious, that doesn't mean that you got to do it.”

“Resilience is the new currency of national power.”

“Investing in resilience is actually a cost saving measure in the long term.”

“You have to think about national security and protecting your people in ways other than tanks.”

“We need to think big.”


Guests Social Media Links:

Anca Agachi: 


Jim Townsend: 


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