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This 2017 film based on the book written by Richard Wagamese tells the story of Saul Indian Horse. The story follows his life through residential school in Canada, his journey playing hockey, the racism associated with the game, and reconciling with the pain of his past. 

Overall, this a powerful tale that NEEDED to be told and was told the right way, with Natives playing Saul Indian Horse and speaking Ojibwe in the film.

While at times you may want to shut off the movie, it accurately documents a crucial point in Canada's history that was long hidden from the books. Now this tale is a part of high school curriculum across the country. 

This story will educate the future about what the First Nations people endured during a dark period in the nation's history while also showing the resilience and power of the indigenous people. Come listen to the episode as we go over the cast review, plot, positives, negatives, and final thoughts.