What is the future of the white race, will the US become minority white? There is a white demographic decline. The importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. A majority of young kids are being taught critical race theory and the woke culture is booming (with more kids joining the LGBTQ+ community and ongoing gender transitionings). There is also an open discussion about gender pronounces and gender identity.
We discuss the woke culture in the US and about everything wrong with the woke culture. What does woke actually mean and what is woke culture? Some people would say US is incredibly divided, but why is America so divided and why is political polarization a prominent component of politics in the United States? Differences in political ideals and policy goals are indicative of a healthy democracy. Scholarly questions consider changes in the magnitude of political polarization over time, the extent to which polarization is a feature of American politics and society,and whether there has been a shift away from focusing on triumphs to dominating the perceived abhorrent supporters of the opposing party.
The term of staying woke became a watchword in parts of the black community for those who were self-aware and for those who questioned the dominant paradigm and strived for something better. "Woke" can also refer, mockingly, to a white person whose perspectives on race equity change suddenly after learning about historical injustice.It was popularized as a call to action that went hand in hand with the black lives matter movement. However, the idea of getting (and staying) "woke" has taken on a different, more complex meaning since it first began to spread across social media.By the year 2010, woke became a term that was closely associated with left-wing politics, socially liberal causes, feminism, LGBT activism, and cultural issues, race equity culture issues, and more. This brings one to the current millennial interpretation of this slang term.While under 18 non-Hispanic White Americans in the US. are already a minority as of 2020, it is projected that non-Hispanic Whites overall will become a minority within the US by 2045. There are identity politics on all sides, but I would like to see it be a moderate form,” the professor Eric Kaufmann says. Eric Peter Kaufmann is a Canadian professor of politics at Birkbeck, University of London. He is a specialist on Orangeism in Northern Ireland, nationalism, and political and religious demography. He is the author of Whiteshift: populism, immigration and the future of White majorities. Kaufmann is opposed to what he calls the “anti-white ideology of the cultural left.” He believes that “ethnic majorities need a future, and civic nationalism can’t offer it.”
