We recognize that while the problems which afflict American society are universal in nature; where and how they manifest are unique, requiring solutions which reflect both universality and the particular circumstances from whence they arise.  The philosophical rationale which informs and is the antecedent to National Reformationism derives from three primary but not exclusive sources. Philosophical Idealism, which recognizes the spiritual nature of reality and rejects the materialism and determinism which is at the root of so many of the contemporary world’s problems.  Early 20th, late 19th century American Populism which foresaw the dangers to American society of an unregulated economy, and was critical of the guiding philosophy of the time period which glorified the individual at the expense of the collective group.  Classical fascism as the third pillar of the triad takes the philosophy and the criticism of the other two and gives them shape and form through the structure of the State. National Reformationism is the State in action. Citizens through their reverence for truth are bound together as the State as the social organism, and the state guarantees the citizen.

Participants: Joshua Noyer, Eliot Girardi, and John Savage

Learn more about Populism: https://www.nationalreformation.org/chronicles/categories/populism-1

Learn more about Idealism: https://www.nationalreformation.org/chronicles/categories/idealism-theory

Learn more about Fascism: https://www.nationalreformation.org/chronicles/categories/fascism