Some Mysteries Are Not Meant To Be Solved!

Welcome to May 9th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate our favorite women and a mystery that has yet to be solved. 

The idea for a national celebration of our mothers came from Julia Ward Howe during the Civil War and while Julia campaigned around the world to make it official, the idea did not catch on until 1905.  Most moms know it’s an uphill battle to secure a little rest and relaxation and on Mother’s Day we politely smile at the burnt toast and pancakes and the messy kitchen we may or may not have to clean up.  This is a great day to celebrate that special woman in your life. If you want to really make her day, be sure to learn the love language she prefers, but rest assured the homemade cards, gifts and flowers usually do the trick.  

Some mysteries may never be solved.  Who built Stonehenge?  What’s happening in Area 51? And perhaps the greatest of them all: why do so many socks disappear from dryers?  It’s completely frustrating!  You do a load of laundry with all your perfectly good pairs of socks.  Maybe they are dressy, or perhaps they have a picture of your dog on them.  It doesn’t matter.  The great dryer mystery does not discriminate.  It will consume any and all socks, but only one from each pair.  We are gathered today to remember these lost items  on National Lost Sock Memorial Day. We celebrate the joy they once gave us, and hope that our favorite Argyle friend will find its match in sock heaven. 

I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day.