What Is Your Favorite Sci-Fi Story?

Welcome to January 2nd, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate keeping your options open and brave new worlds.

Still not decided on your New Year’s resolutions? Hmmmm. it’s National Buffet Day!  Not too many of those open right now. Oh, oh, oh!  It’s National Cream Puff Day!  I’m not actually hungry after the year 2020.  Ok ok!  It’s also National Personal Trainer Awareness Day and while I’m aware that I probably need some extra help sticking to a fitness goal, how in the world are people working out with one these days?  Believe it or not there are some pretty affordable trainers online that make your resolutions not only possible, but doable from your own home gym.  If the thought of transforming your body in privacy is appealing to you, check out your local sports club for this great option!

Jules Verne is famous for books like 20 Thousand Leagues Under The Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth. He’s also known as the Father of Science Fiction. And his novels weren’t only exciting for his time, they also imagined technology that didn’t yet exist. Things like helicopters, submarines, space travel, and even videoconferencing! Though he probably didn’t foresee coworkers forgetting to mute themselves during a call. As a rule, science fiction blends technology with imagination, but Verne almost seems like a time traveler with the accuracy of his predictions. They say art imitates life, but in the case of Jules Verne, maybe it’s the other way around. Celebrate National Science Fiction Day with some classic sci fi books or movies and your own voyage of the imagination.

National Fruitcake Toss DayIf you’d like to know more, be sure to follow us on Facebook and check out our website TheNationalDailyShow.com. I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day!