Did You Know That We Nearly Missed The Deadline To Bring The American Revolution To A Close?

Welcome to January 14th, 2021 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate stories in the nick of time and poseable pets.

The official founding of the United States nearly didn’t happen because people couldn’t show up on time. The United States colonies signed the Treaty of Paris to end the war with England on September 3, 1783. They were then given 6 months to ratify the agreement and send it back to England to make it official. However, the ocean voyage took about 2 months, so the Continental Congress needed to vote on the treaty by January at the latest. Even though they were supposed to be there in November, not enough delegates showed up. If Richard Beresford of South Carolina hadn’t left his sickbed to show up to vote, the whole war could have been for nothing. National Ratification Day is a time to celebrate one of America’s lesser-known holidays and one man who knew how to be fashionably late.

Part of the fun of owning a pet is dressing them up now again.  For maximum fun, we recommend a few tips to make sure your pets shine.   First and foremost, their happiness counts.  If your pet is having a major meltdown, it's time to call it quits.  Not every species enjoys wearing tutus and tiaras, no matter how adorable it seems.  Choose outfits that are comfortable as well as cute.  If your cat isn’t ready for the catwalk they will definitely let you know.  On National Dress Up Your Pet Day make your photo shoot fun for everyone and they’re bound to steal the show. 

If you’d like to know more, be sure to follow us on Facebook and check out our website TheNationalDailyShow.com. I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day!