Some Folks Call Him A Man Of Mystery. Can You Guess Which One Of Us Is Closest To Being A Ninja?

Welcome to December 5th, 2020 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the rebel spirit and our own international man of mystery.

The controversial 18th Amendment banning the production, transport and sale of alcohol sparked a revolution of speak

easy style. In the early 1800s, groups such as the Prohibition Party and the Anti Saloon League began preaching moderation in the consumption of alcohol.  Those who believed that drinking was the root of all evil pushed to eradicate it altogether and by 1919 the 18th Amendment was ratified.  But this didn’t ban folks from drinking, and enforcing the law became expensive during the Roaring Twenties. The terms gangster and moonshine reached their peak.  Though the experiment had good intentions, National Repeal Day has been celebrated since December 5th, 1933 when the 21st Amendment was ratified and Prohibition officially ended.  Even Al Capone celebrated from his prison cell.  

Anna: Today we also celebrate…Marlo, where are you? John, have you seen him?

John: He was there…and then he just vanished.

Marlo: Hi guys.

Anna: Whoa! Where did you come from?

Marlo: I’ve been honing my ninja moves. I can stalk like a cat.

Anna: Why are you doing that?

Marlo: It’s International Ninja Day and I thought I’d show off my new skills.

Anna: Well, you have to warn people if you’re going to…Okay. Did he just disappear again?

John: Yes. I hope this isn’t something he plans on doing all the time.

If you’d like to know more, be sure to follow us on Facebook and check out our website I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day!