Did You Know That Even Bank Robbers Send Thank You Notes?

Welcome to December 26th, 2020 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate the flavor of the season and etiquette for everyone.

Peppermint sticks have been around for at least 200 years, but the red and white striped candy cane that we all associate with Christmas did not actually appear until 1900 and until 1921 they were all made by hand.  That’s when Brasher O. Westerfield invented a machine that turned out these 5” peppermint canes.  And that’s a good thing these days as we produce more than a billion every year.  The Guinness World Record for the longest candy cane is 51 feet!  Many folklore tales describe the symbolism behind this iconic treat, but on National Candy Cane Day, we invite you to savor the flavor and meaning of your choice.

One day in 1934, Henry Ford opened his mail and got a big surprise, a thank you note from one of America’s most infamous bank robbers. Clyde Barrow wrote to thank Ford for putting out such a quality car. Or as he put it,  “For sustained speed and freedom from trouble, the Ford has got every other car beat… It don’t hurt anything to tell you what a fine car you got in the V8.” Today is a good day to surprise your family and friends with letters of your own. Thank them for their holiday gifts or their general love and support. And since handwritten messages are becoming a lost art, surprise them even more by putting pen to paper. On National Thank You Note Day, show people that you care enough to go the extra mile to acknowledge their generosity. 

If you’d like to know more, be sure to follow us on Facebook and check out our website TheNationalDailyShow.com. I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day!