Are You A Twin? If So, Your Super Powers Could Be Useful!

Welcome to December 18th, 2020 on the National Day Calendar. Today we celebrate amazing pairs and one of kind eyesores.

Twins are endlessly fascinating, from their ability to finish each other’s sentences to the striking similarities they share even if they are separated at birth.  This genetic anomaly can prove useful, like when a toddler needs a rest from acting on the set of Full House ( Olsen Twins), or putting two minds together to form a magical mischief business (Weasley Twins) ding, ding, ding.  But did you know that it's also useful for getting us to mars?  Astronaut Scott Kelly spent over a year in space and scientists were able to study the effects of space travel on his body by comparing them to his twin brother Mark who stayed back on earth.  Turns out that Scott grew a few inches taller and furthered the research for the two year voyage to mars.  On National Twin Day keep your eyes open for these wunderkind and all the amazing things they do.

While many traditions uphold the beauty and magic of Christmas some are just plain weird. Behold, the ugly Christmas sweater! No one is 100 percent sure how this became a holiday thing, but tacky sweaters can trace their popularity back to 1980s TV comedies. It started on the Cosby Show and became a running joke that sitcom dads wore sweaters that looked like abstract art. Then in 2002, the city of Vancouver threw an ugly Christmas sweater party that was such a hit, it became an annual event. Each year, the proceeds from this fashion eyesore are donated to the Make A Wish foundation and that’s a truly beautiful thing! On National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day show your holiday spirit with something fun and hideous, proving once again that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

If you’d like to know more, be sure to follow us on Facebook and check out our website I’m Anna Devere and I’m Marlo Anderson.  Thanks for joining us as we Celebrate Every Day!