Real Life Podcast Episode 314 – Woz sits in for Tyler, allowing Baggedmilk and Wanye to steer things into the ditch

Another Thursday has landed on the calendar and that means the boys from the Real Life Podcast are back with a brand new episode of the show to help you get you through what's left of your week. Today, they’re talking Woz's podcasting career, space documentaries, adding wrestling into hockey, and a whole lot more.

Kicking off this week's podcast, the guys kicked off the Thursday episode of Real Life with a Woz interview as he was sitting in for Yaremchuk who decided to big time everyone and head down to Chicago with Frank Seravalli. From his soccer podcast taking off to landing a gig with the Nation, Woz gave the guys a rundown on his come up on social media and how he turned that into a gig with the Nation Network. Then, almost surprisingly, the guys sprinkled in a little bit of Oilers talk just to make Tyler Yaremchuk happy even though he'll never listen to the show before Wanye and Baggedmilk steered the podcast into the ditch with an array of topics from old Oilersnation history, trips to Vegas, space talk, and anything else they could think of to talk about. As you'd expect when the inmates take over the prison, this episode of Real Life was all over the map and absolutely structureless, and it will be interesting to hear from the listeners what they thought. 

Real Life Podcast Episode 314 – Woz sits in for Tyler, allowing Baggedmilk and Wanye to steer things into the ditch

Another Thursday has landed on the calendar and that means the boys from the Real Life Podcast are back with a brand new episode of the show to help you get you through what's left of your week. Today, they’re talking Woz's podcasting career, space documentaries, adding wrestling into hockey, and a whole lot more.

Kicking off this week's podcast, the guys kicked off the Thursday episode of Real Life with a Woz interview as he was sitting in for Yaremchuk who decided to big time everyone and head down to Chicago with Frank Seravalli. From his soccer podcast taking off to landing a gig with the Nation, Woz gave the guys a rundown on his come up on social media and how he turned that into a gig with the Nation Network. Then, almost surprisingly, the guys sprinkled in a little bit of Oilers talk just to make Tyler Yaremchuk happy even though he'll never listen to the show before Wanye and Baggedmilk steered the podcast into the ditch with an array of topics from old Oilersnation history, trips to Vegas, space talk, and anything else they could think of to talk about. As you'd expect when the inmates take over the prison, this episode of Real Life was all over the map and absolutely structureless, and it will be interesting to hear from the listeners what they thought.