U.S. Treasury Secretary Uses Extraordinary Measures to Pay Bills. Debt Ceiling must be lifted before fall to avert a downgrade by Fitch. Listen to my teleconference. Read my blog (link below) to access links to all of the data files. This important information is not making headlines. So, get it here and now!



While everyone focuses on the Feds raising interest rates 25 basis points to a hair's breath over 0 (up to 1%), the U.S. debt continues to spiral out of control. The public debt is just under $20 trillion, while the total U.S. debt and loans are almost $66 trillion. That includes consumer debt of $12 trillion, corporate (nonfinancial) debt of almost $6 trillion ($1.5 trillion higher than during the Great Recession), state and local debt (excluding retirement funds) of $3 trillion.

What's really at stake with this kind of astronomical debt? How can you protect yourself? Will the Fed's raising interest rates help or hurt the situation? 

Secretary of the Treasury alerted Congress in a March 8, 2017 that the Debt Ceiling would be hit on March 16, 2017. Extraordinary means will be used to pay bills until Congress raises the Debt Ceiling. Extraordinary means are predicted to work through August or September. What happens then? 

Learn answers to this and more in this important, complimentary teleconference. 

