On this episode of Daft Monks, the Nates talk bowling, Debra Ann Wolf's upcoming Twitch D&D  show, and more. The Daft Monks awaken to a murder most foul in the Herron Vineyard church. Enjoy the show? Support the hosts of Nat1 Presents for as little as a dollar!

Intro & Activity | Nate discovers he was his team's handicap on his teenage bowling team and they both discuss the fairy tale setting of Children of Earte coming to Twitch.  In anticipation of Robert Patterson's Batman movie, the Nates both take a BuzzFeed quiz to determine which Gotham supervillains they emulate.

Campaign | Just before sneaking out in the cover of night from the Herron Vineyard church, the Daft Monks stumble into a murder mystery with four mysterious culprits. Belmont conducts an investigation while Van Helsing's bizarre nutcracker obsession comes to light.

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The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in Daft Monks are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

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