We pull back the curtain ever so slightly on Project North Star when we meet its head, Dr. Roswell Gibbs.  The investigators speak to the man who discovered the crime and learn more of what he saw... and heard.  The team will be complete finally, as their scientist, Dr. Atticus Kane, arrives.  And they will need his insight dearly...

Check us out online at www.nastygramrpg.com  Find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/nastygram  and our group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/865467380821766; we are @nastygramrpg on both Instagram and Twitter.

We are lucky to have awesome music on our pod!  More about A Wilhelm Scream here https://www.awilhelmscream.com/ Composer Adrian von Ziegler at https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/album/the-complete-discography and composer Antti Martikainen at https://anttimartikainen.com/