We set the stage and begin to assemble our team. Two FBI agents, one a seasoned veteran, the other just beginning a promising career.  A local police sergeant in Ithaca, NY.  And a scientist yet to step on screen being sent in as a consultant.  They will converge in Ithaca on the grounds of Cornell University and find a grisly scene in the heart of cutting edge and secretive research...

Check us out online at www.nastygramrpg.com  Find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/nastygram  and our group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/865467380821766; we are @nastygramrpg on both Instagram and Twitter.

We are lucky to have awesome music on our pod!  More about A Wilhelm Scream here https://www.awilhelmscream.com/ Composer Adrian von Ziegler at https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/album/the-complete-discography and composer Antti Martikainen at https://anttimartikainen.com/