Alex Steed speaks with absolute force of nature Lauren Gilbert, aka LG, aka band center of gravity for Thelma and the Sleaze.

Thelma and the Sleaze, for those not in the know, is an all-female queer southern rock band thatâ€s been around for almost a decade. While singer band center of gravity Lauren “LG” Gilbert doesnâ€t live in Nashville—she lives in Alabama as youâ€ll hear here—she long lived in Nashville and the band has deep roots here.

Thelma and the Sleaze has a number of records out, but right now theyâ€re touring around and supporting their album Fuck, Marry, Kill — which I think I refer to in this interview at least once as Fuck, Murder Kill. I accept responsibility for this bad—my bad, Iâ€m sorry, LG—but I to my credit, I donâ€t know if youâ€ve ever been in a room with LG but she is an absolute force and itâ€s hard to not feel / act like an idiot in the presence of this level of stardom. Honest to god, I donâ€t say so facetiously. It was difficult to keep level headed, sheâ€s so fucking cool. But we made it.

More on Thelma and the Sleaze:

Official Site:

Instagram: @thelmaandthesleaze

Twitter: @ThelmaandtheSle

as well as Facebook and Spotify

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