A look at how you can dramatically improve the quality of your storytelling by thinking of the central relationship as a character. I follow-up with listener email regarding the difference between Wisdom & Enlightenment within the Dramatica theory of story. And I cover the usage of Time and Space in setting the context for a full and complete narrative.

You can read the entire transcription of this episode here.

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Deliberate Storytelling is a practice whereby the Author creates with intent and purpose. Collaborate with a story expert today and start down the path towards finally writing and finishing your story.

Show Notes & Links

Black Swan analysis & storyform
her analysis & storyform
Jane Eyre analysis & storyform
An analysis & storyform for the entire Harry Potter series
An analysis & storyform for the entire first season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Wrangling the Scope of an Entire Narrative a look at the difference between Time and Space within a narrative

Narrative First theme by Alex Hull. Hear more on his Soundcloud, Operation Solace.