In this episode we look at the differences between Star Trek and Star Wars from a Dramatica point-of-view; looking at the structural differences in their narratives. We also explain why the Overall Story Throughline for The Fugitive is in Situation--not Activity as one would think.


The Narrative First Podcast - leave a message, listen to past episodes
The Throughlines of Kramer vs. Kramer
The Character Arc Snapshot videos Four videos showing how character arc works from a Dramatica point-of-view
The Difference Between Neo and Luke Skywalker No more Hero's Journey, please.
Download the Dramatica Table of Story Elements You can download a PDF of the Table at the top of the page. Grab it and put it in your Dropbox and take it with you wherever you go.
The MacGuffin is a Joke It really is. If anyone uses this term to describe something going on in a story, run as fast as you can. They have no idea what they are talking about.
Understanding the Personal Goal of Your Main Character
Damatica analysis of Star Wars
Dramatica analysis of Star Trek (2009)
Dramatica analysis of The Fugitive
Dramatica analysis of The Shawshank Redemption