In this podcast, I go into a deep thematic analysis of Logan and Dunkirk, and then begin the first in a series of conversations surrounding Captain America: Civil War. If you have ever been interested in how the Dramatica theory of story works and how you could use it to improve the quality of your storytelling to the level of these films, you will want to check out this episode.

The Dramatica Mentorship Program - our premier service designed to give you the tools and techniques for applying Dramatica's powerful concepts to your stories.

Show Notes & Links

Narrative First Recent Updates - the latest in story structure and story analysis from a Dramatica point of view
From Logline to Treatment free email course to help you start writing a great story
My review of Logan deep thematic analysis using the Dramatica theory of story to explain why it’s so awesome
The Throughlines of Dunkirk quick look at the Four Throughlines, well almost Four Throughlines of this great film
You and I are Both Alike Video Montage the latest version of this key concept of narrative
Learning Heroes vs. Teaching Heroes my article discussing a more accurate way to think of these two terms
Dramatica Table of Story Elements download the PDF of Dramatica’s model of story
Become a Narrative First Member and gain access to premium content like the Storyforming Videos mentioned in the podcast
My review of Captain America: Civil War apparently the most controversial analysis of my entire career
Sebastien deCastell read the Greatcoats series and the Spellslinger series. You’ll love them!
The Captain America: Civil War discussion on Discuss Dramatica. Be prepared, it’s a long and intensive discussion, but you’ll learn a ton about how Dramatica works
The Plot Sequence Report for Captain America: Civil War check out Dramatica's insane ability successfully predict the sequences of a narrative

Narrative First theme by Alex Hull. Hear more on his Soundcloud, Operation Solace