Ready to have complete stories beamed directly into your nervous system? Fear not, Narrative First and Dramatica will be there to help make the transition a smooth and painless procedure.

This week we discuss the singularity and the hope that those in charge of our Brave New World know a thing or two about the Dramatica theory of story. After all, if you're going to invade the mind you might as well have a working model of how it problem-solves and justifies, amiright?

The Spike Jonze indie-tech film her takes center stage for this week's Throughline Thursdays and we answer email concerning the wacky plot progressions Dramatica offers up for some stories. Oh, and we look at the most perfect 3-Act Structure film of all time, Witness.

Show Notes & Links

Dramatica Why not link to it? We talk about it pretty much every single day.
Discuss Dramatica Forums official Dramatica discussion forums...for now.
Dramatica Writers Google+ Community Remember when Google+ was going to replace Facebook? This used to be the place for Dramatica discussion. Linked for history.
The Throughlines of her this week's Throughline Thursdays offering
Elon Musk's Neuralink in 70 years we won't recognize ourselves
Dramatica - Where'd the Idea Come From? one version of Melanie explaining Knowledge, Thought, Ability, and Desire
"You and I are both alike" the classic Dramatica montage between Main and Influence Character
The Throughlines of Manchester by the Sea from Dramatica's point-of-view, the same Genre structurally as her
The Throughlines of Arrival similar to her with the flopping of the Overall and Relationship Story Throughlines\
The Narrative First Throughlines Collection our archive of Throughline studies in film
The Difference Between Main Character and Protagonist The classic 3-Act Structure, Witness, is not as perfect as many would have you believe.
Super positive feedback we're making a difference here, people.
Protagonists Who Act as Influence Characters the ultimate collection of the unknown who drive stories towards resolution
Dramatica analysis of Witness the official Dramatica analysis of this classic film