Our original analysis of Ex Machina relied on subjective interpretation and proved faulty. This updated analysis clears up those issues by taking an objective point-of-view of the film's narrative. In addition we cover how Dramatica is a conflict-detection machine and how its unique set of story points identify the source of that conflict.

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Show Notes & Links

The Dramatica Mentorship Program - our premiere service designed to give you the tools and techniques for applying Dramatica's powerful concepts to your stories.

Narrative First Search Feature - Search finally installed!
The Nice Guys Analysis - deep thematic insight of the film's story structure
Ex Machina Analysis - if read within a day of publishing this podcast it might be wrong, if more than it will be accurate
Dramatica Takes a Week to Learn - Alex Epstein's insight into Dramatica
On Acts, Sequences, and Scenes in Dramatica - thoughts on improving Dramatica's implementation of various levels of story structure
Ex Machina: The Narrative Code Hidden Within the Machine -
Series of articles on Audience Appreciations - Four Audience Appreciations, four articles of story goodness
How to Tell If Your Main Character Faces Overwhelming or Surmountable Odds - our brilliant look at the Audience Appreciation of Essence
The Refusal of the Call: The Resistance or Flow Through a Narrative - an in-depth look at the Audience Appreciation of Tendency
Predicting Who Will Listen to Your Story - our article on the Story Limit and its impact on the type of Audience that will arrive for a story

Narrative First theme by Alex Hull. Hear more on his Soundcloud, Operation Solace