This week I take a gander at Okja and discuss the reasons why many swayed by this film's message ultimately reverted to their old ways. Propaganda fades--complete stories last. With that in mind, I then cover the Dramatica storyform and how it holds an image of the mind's problem-solving process in its complex and sophisticated arrangement of story points. Interested in writing something that lasts? You'll want to listen to this podcast and begin to develop an understanding of story as an analogy to the processes going on in our minds.

The Dramatica Mentorship Program - my premier service designed to give you the tools and techniques for applying Dramatica's powerful concepts to your stories.

Show Notes & Links

Sean Lester's Dribbble Account the man behind the Narrative First logo and the 2016 site redesign.
The From Logline to Treatment E-Mail Course. Enroll for a free introduction to the magic of Dramatica.
Using Dramatica to Assess Narratives in the Real World an extensive look at using story theory to understand struggles in modern-day business, with a link to the official Dramatica analysis of the ESPN/Cable narrative
#storytelling lots of people talking lots about narrative
What Do You Want to Learn Today? a new section on the site designed for writers new to Narrative First
Milanote great tool for developing stories from a holistic point-of-view
My Okja analysis and an explanation why it feels too preachy (hint: Propaganda technique)
The Snowpiercer analysis on the Discuss Dramatica forums. Complete with great Chris Huntley insights into the film.
Non-Accurate the Word of the Week
The Dramatica Analysis Filter work your way through hundreds of analyses
Identifying the Storyform of a Complete Story the concluding article on building the inequity of your story before you begin structuring the narrative with Dramatica and Narrative First
Preparing to Write a Complete Story a series of articles on defining the inequity at the heart of your story
Captain America: Civil War Discussion on Discuss Dramatica the last time I will ever link to this debate. I promise!

Narrative First theme by Alex Hull. Hear more on his Soundcloud, Operation Solace