In this episode we show how you can come up with a compelling and meaningful story in less than two hours using Dramatica's powerful brainstorming tools. We also dive into a deep analysis of the fantastic Captain Fantastic, written and directed by Matt Ross and starring Viggo Mortensen. The film is a shining example of combining both objective and subjective views into a concrete and effective narrative.

Remember, you can always Ask Us a Question we answer everything, or Leave a Voicemail click the microphone button and leave a message after the beep.

Show Notes & Links

Nanowrimo National Novel Writing Month
Captain Fantastic an analysis of this fantastic film
Writing Complete Stories an introduction to the Four Throughlines of a complete narrative
Podcast: Predicting Who Will Listen to Your Story our podcast on setting Audience Empathy with the Main Character's Problem-Solving Style (warning: extremely controversial!(not really))
Creating a Story from Scratch for Nanowrimo use Dramatica's brainstorming tools to form a compelling and meaningful story in less than an hour and an half!
Narrative First Membership subscribe and receive access to hundreds of thousands of gists for use in Dramatica!
Main Character Unique Ability articles and blog posts covering this important story point
Dramatica Mentorship Program our flagship service designed to drastically improve your understanding of story through Dramatica!

Narrative First theme by Alex Hull. Hear more on his Soundcloud, Operation Solace