In this episode, London family law barrister Nicholas Anderson, Narcissism expert Dr Supriya McKenna  and UK solicitor Karin Walker discuss the issue of parental alienation - and how it is used by narcissistic parents as a means to punish their former spouse. Nick explains why the court is not the best place to deal with cases such as these, and Karin explains why arbitration is a much safer method to use where a narcissist is involved, where an adjudicative decision has to made regarding the children because the parents cannot agree. They discuss the important issue of how family solicitors representing a narcissist find themselves perpetuating the narcissist's abuse of their spouse, and the simple way to prevent this from happening - and how shortsighted they will find an approach like this to be when they themselves become the victim of the narcissist's abuse. They also delve into the difficult arena of relocation cases, where the non narcissistic parent wishes to move area with the children, but the narcissist blocks it. Finally, they reiterate the importance of education for judges and family lawyers, who first need to understand that NPD is a real diagnosable disorder, before becoming able to recognise the behaviours and the serious implications that it has for families in separation and divorce.

Dr Supriya is an Amazon no 1 bestselling author in the subject of narcissism, and the author of the new books Narcissists in Divorce: From Love-Locked to Leaving  and The Narcissist Trap :The Mind-Bending Pull of the Great Pretenders.  

More resources for you:

Listen to the audiobook sample of Narcissists in Divorce: From Love-Locked to Leaving here
Read a sample of Narcissists in Divorce: From Love-Locked to Leaving on Amazon here and of The Narcissist Trap - The Mind-Bending Pull of the Great Pretenders, here

If you want to be sure that your partner is a narcissist the 'Is your partner a narcissist? Knowing for sure' online course is out now, as is the 'Demystifying the Narcissist' online course - and, due to popular demand, the 'Divorcing a Narcissist' online course is on its way.
Please head over to for online course information and updates.

For more free information and blogs, and to contact Dr Supriya for 1:1 coaching, visit