By the time you’re reading this Wil might be far away, Court has never done anything wrong in her life and Leif tries to bring Sexy Back but instead drops a HUGE spoiler! It’s a NEW episode of the Narcisistas! We might as well set the studio on fire cause it’s that HOT! Today we’re talking SORRY (I AIN’T SORRY) and it’s RIDICUL dude! SORRY is one of the MAGIC words... when do we say it, when do we not? When are apologies genuine and when are they not (ahem... KEVIN HART)? We get real about what it means to be gay in the black community but then Wil lightens it up with an inspirational freestyle! Friend of the pod CATHOLICISM stops by because of course GOD listens to the pod (sorry we’ve been drunk sluts!) What’s our fave WHITES ONLY music video we’re not apologizing for? Forgiveness versus accepting an apology, some fun Real Estate related unforgiveness and a LOT of appearances from Court’s 2019 catchphrase! Apologize less, don’t say sorry when you mean thank you and an EPIC Bey outro that just might have you poop your pants! LISTEN TO THIS EP! RATE! REVIEW! FOLLOW! REPOST! SUBSCRIBE! VISIT! God you’re stunning... now go apologize!!