Happy HO HO HO-lidays errrbody! Wil is on a week long Tina styled video shoot, Court is on the cover of the Christmas album lookin CORNY and Leif is all of the sudden COOL!! That’s right ladies and elves it’s a very NARCISISTAS CHRISTMAS! NO we HAVEN’T heard Mariah’s Christmas anthem but we ARE breaking down the holiday BUG-A-BOOS and BUG-A-DOOS! This Ep is mostly about what’s grindin on your pu$$! There’s too many people in NYC... but you know the Camry don’t got 4wheel drive... and you gotta see your dang FAMILY! Well isn’t that a big ‘ol DOO DOO right in the middle of the STUDIO! From shitty Secret Santa gifts to the BURP heard around the world this whole episode is certainly a FLEX (weird flex). Leif pops on Court’s lap and gabs about what’s on his wishlist... SPOILER ALERT it’s not a TOASTER! Women be shopping and boyfriends can’t guesstimate boob size so what the hell.. let’s KILL LEIF! If you are currently feeling like the largest person to ever live then this Eps for you!! Let’s remain IGNORANT ... it’s called SELF CARE! ALSO... Mariah Carey is an amazing person!!! LISTEN UP! RATE! REVIEW! FOLLOW! REPOST! SUBSCRIBE! VISIT www.narcisistas.com and always remember Wil’s beautiful words of wisdom... HOLIDAY CHEER is always better... HIGH!!