Wil is end of the tour Storm-inspired Vivienne SNATCHIN you BALD, Court is out here MILKIN the BIRKS in some Forever 21 TIMELESS CLASSICS and Leif is reminding us this is a pro-witch platform! Ladies you better dab off your t*tties... because these topics are SPICY HOT!!! It’s a NARCISISTAS HOT T*TTIES EP!!! Where should we start... hmm... how about... BEYONCÉ IS A WITCH?!?! SURE not as witchy as Stevie... but we did get her Bootylicious sample... is this what Kitty Kat is really about... WAIT but what happens when you spin the CD backwards?!!! For the record though... If anyone should have a restraining order it’s US!! We also cover the gay CANDYLAND that is DRAGCON! Praise RU! Drag is SO IMPORTANT AND KIDS ARE SO GAY!! We then shift over to discuss the artist formerly known as Kanye West... we don’t know y’all. All we can say is SPOILER ALERT Kim K sure doesn’t keep him grounded! We end on a collegiate-level deep dive into the Cardi/Nicki feud! A Harriet Tubman radio rant or a damn knot in your head in Dolce couture we still must say NO ONE does shade quite like Mariah! BTW Kerry Washington we love ya girl sorry about the B*TCH A$$! Who doesn’t need a fun new Narcisistas Ep while the country is out here showing its WHOLE A$$HOLE!!! SO LISTEN! RATE! REVIEW! FOLLOW! REPOST! SUBSCRIBE! VISIT www.narcisistas.com and EMAIL US... pictures of your feet!