Comedian Shalewa Sharpe kicks it off by teaching us that while there’s always some EGO you MUST throw some gloves on in the HEAT! Ladies and Gentlegays!! It’s another LIVE Narcisistas!! It’s WIL’S GOLDEN 30th!! The theme is PRESENT much like our presence... but don’t worry there’s only gonna be Glitter to the curb because we UBER NOW! Take a journey with us through Court’s Grammy getup and Wil’s three outfit changes! SPOILER ALERT Muy Thai is FUN TO SAY! It’s quite the night even the QUEEN MUTHA is in the audience and we’re ALL thankful she PUSHED-THRU (literally)! Court gets revenge for the gladiator sandal SCANDAL that shocked the world and Wil’s... GAY! We are then joined by very hilarious ICONS T. Kyle, Alex English and Sam Taggart! From pregnant on a beach to BB Homemaker the girls are ready to give the most Beyoncé version of our NEW game... 21 QUESTIONS!! It’s where we ask... 21 QUESTIONS!!! HOWEVER we do like to have different perspectives so tonight we will occasionally “SLING IT TO THE STRAIGHTS” and those straights are the amazingly funny boys from the podcast The Good, The Dad and The Ugly... Patrick Schroeder, Will Winner and Casey James Salengo! They’re feeling a very FLAWLESS SURVIVOR (Remix) DRUNK Beyoncé and we’re LIVING for it! From arrests and labia knowledge to early internet porn snooping this game is WILD yet INFORMATIVE! Sure Oprah hates the straights but she’s praying for us all! We also answer the age old question... Is it really cheating if it’s just a below the waist handshake?! AND find out which contestant wouldn’t be an IT GIRL without a little DRAMA! Thank you to everyone who came out to the live show it was a magical night! LISTEN UP! RATE! REVIEW! FOLLOW! REPOST! SUBSCRIBE! VISIT and DONT MISS OUR LIVE SHOWS! We’re STILL hungover and covered in GLITTER!