This episode will blow the curls right off Matthew Morrison’s head so get your bees in the hive and dust off your ACTRESS FIRST Grammy we’re talkin SPRING CLEANING! Court has her man locked in their apartment, Leif is shy about his third leg and Wil is droppin these dusty hoes because we flowering out here girl! Spring brings to light all the bullshit once hidden by the snow so let those f**k boys melt away! We talk cleaning closets we talk eating ass it’s a classic episode of The Narcisistas! Shave the top of your legs, throw away those crusty boots and row row row your boat into the LIFE IS BUT A DREAM BEYONCÉ HBO SPECIAL. We end the episode with a quick political update… we hate Trump! Which is why we gon keep sayin RU & OPRAH 2020! Go into the Matrix and rate, review, subscribe, visit and get some tiny sunglasses because if it don’t look like ‘94 on your face we ain’t talkin to ya! The future is here smash your phones!!!