The Narcisistas are bad girls and they friends bad too.. that’s why we are joined in the studio today with the baddest the hilarious and talented… Miss Mary Houlihan! Oh boy it’s like we all watched a live performance of Skeleton Key because we are all SICK and HORNY in the studio today. The topic is CHARACTERS and we’re not just saying dumb hot characters like Mary and Courtney we’re paying homage to all the GREATS. The Queens… Catherine O’Hara. Jennifer Coolidge. Maya Rudolph. Miss Swan… and of course the only male character we’ve ever cared about… AUSTIN POWERS. We talk about FACTS today… Diana Ross is trying to turn the gay community into dust. An Aretha compliment is actually the ultimate shade. SWAGU is actually just off-brand pasta sauce… that’s right we got all the FACTS here on the #1 most factual based podcast in America. We end this episode with a round of our most funnest game, WHAT GETS YOU WETTER?! Good god is everyone SOAKED for this one… Farting or go-karting? All That or She’s All That? Guac or Cock? The questions don’t get much harder than this! Don’t forget our FIRST LIVE SHOW is coming up March 3rd AND Kid Rock has great nipples! So quit being a psycho and listen, rate, review, subscribe and visit for more from the bust factory!