And a very first ENGAGED PEEYAW to all our listeners out there! Wil is tweeting about Normani because she wrote the song, Court is a child bride engaged to a successful comedian and Leif is greedy BUT he LOVES his MOMMY!!! That’s right ladies and gentleGAYS we are kicking off another THIS B*TCH series with... ARIANA GRANDE! You’re not going to believe what year ol’ GRANDE AEROLES was born... let’s just say we were smoking cigarettes by then! We go all the way back to the beginning of her journey... her parents were CEOS and she was a weird deranged goth child! We know! We STAN!!! From Prep school and the French Horn to the Florida Panthers (who for the record we DO NOT know) all the way to a big time move to Los Angeles to be on... BROADWAY!! We have all the scalding hot TEA that made this donut licker who she is today! One day you’re using the internet to research 9/11 the next DING DONG Nickelodeon’s here! Court is known in most circles for her LIGHTLY DIVERSE group of friends, Wil is THE CHILD DETECTIVE and our tiny baby sex doll has a voice to bring the HOUSE DOWN! From the YouTube covers that made her a household name to the first single that had us looking for Jordan Sparks! YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS EP! THEN RATE! REVIEW! FOLLOW! REPOST! SUBSCRIBE! VISIT and come back next week for BIG NIPPLES PT.2!!!